Cute manatee calves, mom and baby manatee, newborns, twins and a manatee adoption.
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204 imagesCalves are the cutest manatees. Mothers show off their manatee babies, nurse, guide and keep little ones safe in the stunning Florida springs.
16 imagesDocumented record of manatee calf adoption in the wild. Researchers confirm rare event. Little orphan manatee.
21 imagesRare manatee twins photographed. Mother manatee guides her two female calves around the Florida springs, nurses them and keeps them safe.
30 imagesRare instance of a newborn manatee's first day of life, February 29, 2008. Documented by researchers, this little hours old manatee male calf had a dramatic first few hours.
20 imagesMale manatee calves cavort and play intimately with each other. This may be a signal to mom manatee it is time to wean the male calf. These are two manatee buddies.